How to Get Involved

Volunteers make our program run. The Coaches need to focus on the players and winning games so we need YOU to help run fundraisers, player meals, banquets, and social events. Every person is needed to make RM Football excellent! There are many areas that you can volunteer in the RMFTC. The link below signs you up for informational emails and also allows you to pick the event(s) where you can help out. Under each Fundraiser there is an specific sign up sheet for that event. Please take the time to check out what is available and SIGN UP!!

9 Involvement Opportunities!

We also support Red Mountain football families  when a there is a need and in times of celebration. Areas that we need your support include; PR & acquiring sponsorships, team meals, special events / Game day help.  Please take a moment to sign up and get involved. All of us working together can make our boys experience unforgettable.

Come join us March 6-9th, 2025 for our annual Carnival


Cancer awareness game

Celebrating all cancers – 2025 date TBD

Mid-season social says it all.

Golf Tournament

Click to learn more



Homecoming—2025 date TBD


Season Banquets

Each team, Freshman-JV-Varsity, celebrates their season with an end of the season banquet. Generally, the Freshman and JV banquets are held in early November and the Varsity banquet is held in December.

Click to learn more

Senior Night

Senior Night is held to honor all seniors involved in the football , athletic training, pom/cheer, band, equipment managers. The football seniors are honored during pregame. Each is escorted by family/friends of his choice. We announce the post secondary intentions of each player. This is a night of genuine celebration!

youth Photo.png

youth night

Our future Mountain Lions from football, cheer and band are invited to attend and get a taste of what it’s like to attend our Friday Night Lights!