If you are interested in continuing your football career in college, please click on the links below to help you navigate the process.
For questions, please contact:
Kyle Enders, Head Football Coach email phone 480-252-2180
Social Media
Social Media has become such an integral part of a student athletes recruiting process, it's highly recommended to use it for part of your platform.
Twitter is just that platform. Please use the sample below to help you get started
Use this information when you go to set up your Twitter account
Below are the links that are Necessary to get you started as a college student athlete
The NCAA is the National Collegiate Athletic Association. Their website is a great place to start if you would like to continue your football career in college.
Please click this link— NCAA ELIGIBILITY
All student athletes wanting to play at the next level need to fill out the FAFSA form.
Please click this link to get that started—FASFA FORM
Knowing the ins and outs of when colleges are able to recruit is vital to the recruiting process.
Please click on this link to view the 2021-22 College Football Recruiting calendar — Division I & II Recruiting Calendars
Already have a college in mind and are looking for more information on their football program?
Thank you to Andrew Morgan for sharing this incredible spreadsheet that lists hundreds of college player questionnaires, camp info and coach’s contacts!
Please click on this link —2022 College Football Recruiting List