Welcome to Red Mountain Football! Our obligation is to make playing football at Red Mountain High School the most worthwhile experience it can possibly be for the athletes who choose to come out. Every single individual who commits to this team will have the choice, chance, and opportunity to contribute in a positive manner.
We, as a coaching staff, will provide Red Mountain High School with the best football team possible within the rules and parameters set forth by the school, district, and the AIA. We will operate our program according to the spirit AND the letter of the law. We want to win every game we play, but we will make it abundantly clear we will not compromise our integrity nor our values.
Our goal will be to graduate 100% of our athletes and win the state championship. But winning the state championship is not the most important thing we seek. Part of that "worthwhile experience" will be dealing with adversity and understanding what happens when you lose and how to deal with it. We will strive to make the football experience something athletes can apply to their professional careers and family life. We want the lessons learned at Red Mountain High School to be with our student athletes long after football is over.
When dedicated people work hard, toil to be disciplined, commit to excellence, and truly be the right kind of people then the byproduct is togetherness and a caring for one another. At Red Mountain High School, we will care for our teammates, our school, our community and put only God and family above that!

Head Coach, Kyle Enders
On January 28th, 2022, Head Coach Kyle Enders became only the forth man to lead the Mountain Lions since the school’s opening in 1988. He has been a Special Education and Math teacher in Mesa Public Schools since 2014. Coach Enders is a Red Mountain Alum who graduated in 2007. During his time at Red Mountain, he played for Coach Jim Jones where he was an All-State Linebacker. Enders has coached in the Mountain Lion Program for over a decade. He has served as the Defensive Coordinator since 2016. Since then, Red Mountain has had a stretch as one of the top defenses in the state. In 2021 alone, the defense lead 6A in PPG 12.9, Interceptions 22 and Takeaways 35.
Coach Enders and his wife Cortni have two children: Chloe (14) and Krew (4). Cortni is also a Red Mountain Alum and loves living and serving in this community.